What’s Behind the Grammy Award Changes for Hip Hop?

The Recording Academy, the organization behind the Grammy Awards, announced award category and rule changes today. In this thread, I’ll address the renaming of the Best Rap/Sung category to “Best *Melodic Rap Performance” and why it’s problematic.


The Western Classical tradition — which is held up as the penultimate of Western music — prioritizes Harmony, then Melody… Rhythm is last. That rhythm comes last is no accident, as we will see later in this thread. From my book The BeatTips Manual:



What are the Recording Academy/GRAMMYS really doing? They are instituting a form of pre-emptive coverage — let’s call it the Macklemore rule — against future Rap nominations and wins that do not center the music *style or the people who dominate rap music — Black people/POC.  So this rule change now *insists on *melody AND “elements from non-rap genres…” So a *rap award category that doesn’t prioritize or feature rap elements

The Recording Academy/ GRAMMYS effectively wants to close the door on the notion that the people dominating rap music — Black people — should not automatically have a seat at the table…that they built and maintain. To make room for who?

The Recording Academy/GRAMMYS is using trick knowledge with the word “inclusivity.” Think about when someone says, “reverse racism” or that blacks are “racist against whites.” *Inclusivity is a way to INCLUDE more white people and justify their nominations/wins in rap.


Side note: hip hop/rap has always been *inclusive. That’s one of the reasons it’s the most popular, most accessible genre in the world! Again, this isn’t about *inclusivity. This is about making more room for white people, and the privileging of *melody/harmony over rhythm.

Black/African music privileges *rhythm. Full stop. Doesn’t matter if harmony and melody are incorporated in popular Black music. The defining primary music element of Black/African music is *rhythm.  More broadly speaking, this represents the African worldview vs. the European worldview of time: repetition vs. linear progression. The European Worldview has always defined itself *against the African worldview. (Historically, Europe has an inferiority complex with Africa…)



That the Recording Academy/GRAMMYS is slipping this rule change in right now demonstrates how white supremacy uses trick knowledge to further attempt to assert its superiority: They’re doing this under the guise of *inclusivity.
In effect, the Recording Academy/GRAMMYS is saying, “we will now respect the new rap — which prioritizes melody over rhythm, makes room for more white people, and prioritizes elements outside of…rap music. So we have to be *inclusive.” The fuck! End

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